Welcome to MathGenius AI

This website is designed specifically for students and individuals seeking solutions to their math problems. Our platform leverages advanced AI to provide clear and detailed explanations for your math queries.

Once you've uploaded an image of your math problem, our AI system will analyze and provide you with a step-by-step solution, making it easier for you to understand and solve complex math equations.

Drag & Drop your image here

How to use:

  1. Use a screen reader to navigate the website if necessary.
  2. Activate the file upload button to upload an image of your math problem.
  3. Wait for the detailed solution to appear, which will be displayed shortly after uploading.
  4. Use your screen reader to explore and comprehend the provided solution.
  5. Click on the "How to Use" button for comprehensive instructions on navigating the website.

For visually impaired users, audio explanations are also available:

  1. Listen to the audio explanation of the uploaded math problem by clicking the "Play Audio" button.
  2. Ensure clarity by using headphones or speakers for optimal audio quality.
  3. Explore the content further with detailed audio explanations, providing additional context and insights.

Experience the power of AI, as our platform leverages cutting-edge technology to provide you with clear and detailed math solutions.